Objectivist Summer Conference 2018 has come and gone, but not without making its mark on the 600-plus people in attendance, including Tal Tsfany, ARI’s new President and CEO. In this interview, Tsfany relates highlights from the biggest OCON to date and describes some exciting details about his plans for ARI’s future.
ARI News
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At ARI, we work daily to spread Ayn Rand’s ideas and improve the state of the world one mind at a time. Recently, we received an email from an entrepreneur who watched Yaron Brook’s interview with Patrick Bet-David at OCON 2018—and became intrigued with the ideas discussed in the interview.
ARI News
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July 12, 2018
Since its inception in October 2012, Ayn Rand Center Israel (ARCI) has advocated Ayn Rand’s ideas in Israel and the Middle East. As ARCI approaches its six-year anniversary, it’s worth recognizing some of its recent achievements—including the third annual Ayn Rand Atlas Award ceremony at the Israeli stock exchange.
ARI News
POST byTal Tsfany | View All Posts
As of June 1, 2018, I am assuming the role of the Ayn Rand Institute’s president and CEO, taking over from my friend and colleague Jim Brown. Over the past few months, I’ve been working closely with Jim, a leader who has achieved a tremendous amount of progress in his tenure as ARI’s CEO. My goal is to build on the solid foundation Jim has established and to continue to increase ARI’s output and impact.
Government And Business
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June 04, 2018
In this short video, John Allison highlights the key role Objectivism has played in his success. Allison, the former Chairman and CEO of BB&T, was selected by the Harvard Business Review as one of the one hundred most successful CEOs in the world. He is currently a member of ARI’s board of directors.
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April 27, 2018
The National Film Registry maintains a list of films that are “deemed ‘culturally, historically or aesthetically significant’ and are earmarked for preservation by the Library of Congress. These films are not selected as the ‘best’ American films of all time, but rather as works of enduring importance to American Culture. They reflect who we are as a people and as a nation.”
ARI News
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April 27, 2018
We are excited to announce New Ideal, ARI’s new online publication. The launch of New Ideal is a significant step in our mission to demonstrate the power of Ayn Rand’s ideas and their necessity in today’s world.
ARI News
p站免费加速器The Editors | View All Posts
April 16, 2018
Our celebration of seventy-five years of The Fountainhead continues this month with “Filming The Fountainhead: Ayn Rand’s First Plan” by Shoshana Milgram.
ARI News
Help Deserving Students Attend Objectivist Summer Conference 2018!
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April 16, 2018
We are just 10 weeks away from what is shaping up to be our largest Objectivist summer conference ever. With your help we could have over 500 attendees in Newport Beach, California, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead — including students who are able to attend because of our OCON scholarship program.